What Happened to the Employees Who Quit?

Many Americans are shocked to learn that over 9 million employed people quit their jobs of their own volition throughout 2021, meaning that they walked away and did not get fired.

For many of these Americans who quit, they had just recently got their jobs back after the government listed their former places of employment as nonessential to supposedly fight the spread of COVID.

It really is hard to believe that so many just walked away. Why did they?

Many believe this is mysterious, as the mainstream media in America utterly refuses to report on this exodus from the workforce; instead pretending as if America's economy is thriving.

Though to speak to the people who quit, they list two main reasons for walking out. One, they claim that they're not getting paid enough money to live, so why waste time working? Two, employer vaccine mandates are just too much for some to take.

In total, close to 10 million people are without jobs in America due to walking out and quitting. And they are not counted as unemployed in the country.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Biden Administration do not have to count these millions of people as unemployed, which helps them to make the economy look a lot stronger than it is. Though if they don't have jobs, what exactly is happening to them right now? Why isn't anyone hearing about them or their plight?

The plight of the willfully unemployed is a lot tougher and lonelier than most may realize. For generations in America, millions of people, countless politicians and all sorts of organizations have been fighting for workers' rights, such as workplace freedom, bodily autonomy, and fair wages.

Though since Joe Biden has been America's President, these things have all seemingly gone extinct, and people who left their job due to legitimate grievances don't seem to even exist in this nation now, despite the fact that they're over 3% of the entire country - a lot more than the nation's combined military force. Imagine if the entire military disappeared and no one mentioned a word about it.

Nobody Bothers Counting Them

Nobody even counts these people in any sort of metric that matters concerning employment. That is something that is very freaky, while also something very telling.

Have America's employment numbers ever been accurate? People have long known that the government stops counting people after their benefits expire, and stops counting people who are no longer pursuing work.

Though people quitting to protest forced medical procedures and low pay not being counted as unemployed is something amazing. More amazing, the typical workers' rights' candidates like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez don't have a single word to say about these jobless Americans who just want better working conditions and more rights.

Ineligible for Benefits

Another thing you may not know is happening to these Americans who quit under protest from their jobs: They're ineligible to draw unemployment benefits.

When they decided to quit, that was it. They're receiving no unemployment payments. Many may still be eligible for SNAP benefits (food stamps) in some states, or other sorts of benefits.

Though when it comes to unemployment payments, people who willingly quit their jobs, even for higher pay or to avoid unwanted medical procedures, are not eligible to draw benefit payments.

A Stolen Voice

Another thing to happen to these jobless Americans is that their voice was outright stolen from them.

In America, citizens are supposedly guaranteed the freedom of speech. Though as it has become evident now, no American is guaranteed a platform of speech.

Many news articles have surfaced from smaller, independent media sources and sites, claiming that all sorts of Americans have attempted to get in contact with the media about their plight. Americans want to tell their stories. They want to speak about unfair, harsh work environments. They want to speak about being forced to work extra hours while not getting pay raises, or the fact that employers are trying to force vaccination mandates against their will.

These people are out in America trying to have their voices heard, but America's mass media has yet to allow a single one of them to tell their story to the public.

To date, there are over 10 million Americans who walked away from their jobs willingly, leading to a nationwide labor shortage. If this trend continues, America's economy could realistically collapse, and America's mainstream media still has nothing to say about this ongoing saga.

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