Congratulations on your new-found job. You must have had exemplary skills that convinced your employer that you are the best candidate for the vacant position. However, securing a job is not enough. You have to work hard and continue exhibiting extraordin

If you're passionate, principled, and you apply the following tips, you might be lucky enough to get a promotion the next time your boss is rewarding the most committed employees.

1. Focus on One Goal at a Time and Give It Your Best Shot

After you secure your first job, do your best to impress your employer. All employees prefer hard-working and innovative workers. Therefore, after convincing them that you have unique qualities that can transform their business significantly, you have to continue with your impressive performance in your specific department.

When your manager allocates you certain duties, please spend some time in their office to discuss how best you can execute them. Then, set different targets that you'd like to achieve within a certain duration. Then, for quick success, focus on one goal at a time and give it your best shot.

If you don't have enough experience, start with short-term objectives and set bigger targets as you get used to working in your current position. If you manage to meet every target you set, you'll catch your boss's attention, and you might be on their promotion list the next time there is a promotion at the company.

2. Note down Every Achievement

Regardless of how valuable your achievements are to the company, your boss might not keep all of them in mind. Therefore, you have to note down every accomplishment and the value each one added to your company. Besides, as you continue acquiring new skills and gaining more experience, don't forget to indicate you're most recent accomplishments somewhere.

Your document will help you push for a better position or salary increment when the time comes. If you realize that you're not shortlisted in the current promotion list, use your list of achievements to convince your boss that you deserve a better position in the company.

Your employer might reward you with a promotion even before you work in their company for a year. However, your boss might never hand you a promotion letter until you request a promotion. So, whenever there is a promotion in your company, and you're not amongst the lucky few on the list, request for promotion using your previous achievements.

If your employer turns down your request, write to them requesting to know what the employees in the promotion list did differently to land the promotion. Then use the information they provide to improve your service delivery for consideration next time.

3. Ask for More Responsibilities after Some Time

If you can handle your duties competently, ask for more responsibilities. Ask your manager to assign you duties that you can handle alongside the management's ones. Choose the specific tasks that you think will land you promotion the next time the management is promoting the most experienced workers.

If you can work in different departments, you'll have a higher chance of getting a promotion. So, when requesting additional duties, choose responsibilities in essential departments. That will increase our value on the company significantly.

4. If Your Efforts Don't Pay Off, Look for Employment in another Company

If you try all the above recommendations, but you can't secure a promotion or a salary increment, you might have to quit your job to seek employment in another firm. Your move could be the turning point of your career.

Unlike when you were applying for your current job, you now have more experience and expertise in handling different duties. Therefore, it might be much easier to get a better-paying job in a bigger company.

So, even if you're afraid that you might remain jobless for several months or years when you resign from your current job, try your luck because this might be your opportunity to work in a more reputable company. Besides, many companies could be interested in your services. Therefore, continuing to work for an employer that does not value your services might deny you a better opportunity.

Final Thoughts

If you want to get a promotion fast after securing a job, use the tips above from the first day you start working. That will catch your employer's attention, and they might consider you for a promotion within a short time. If they don't, use your achievements to push for a promotion in your company or seek greener pastures in another company if your promotion takes too long.

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